Thursday, April 21, 2016

Standard 13

Have ever taken the time to look at and read the National Standards and
Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools ? If you haven’t yet, I really encourage you to take some time to read and reflect on each standard. There is so much that can be useful for a school leader, a pastor and even a teacher. It can also help serve a school as they prepare a strategic plan or an accreditation.

I wanted to specifically mention Standard 13 because it relates to marketing. On the website,, you can also find rubrics and other resources to guide you. There are four levels on the rubrics used to assess each standard and its benchmarks. Level 4 means a school exceeds the benchmark and Level 1 means it does not meet benchmark. Where does your school fall if you were being evaluated today for Standard 13 benchmarks? Level 1 or a Level 4?  If you can’t honestly say you are at a Level 3 or 4 for all benchmarks of Standard 13, then maybe this could be a goal for next year.

There are quite a bit of resources from other dioceses to help you if you need more than the National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools website. In looking I found a entire enrollment management workbook from the Archdiocese of Seattle Catholic Schools and another from the Diocese of Grand Rapids, both with committee roles and even sample agendas. If you’d like more assistance or direction in working on Standard 13 or marketing in general, please just let me know. I’d be more than happy to find ways to help find you additional resources and suggestions.